SUBARU’s Vision ―Delivering happiness to all―

In the May 2021 mid-term management vision progress briefing for “STEP,” SUBARU consolidated the multiple corporate principles into three key pillars.

Our corporate statement is “We aim to be a compelling company with a strong market presence built upon our customer-first principle.”
The value we deliver to our customers is “Enjoyment and Peace of Mind.” This was established at the same time as the said corporate statement. We recognize that this is a value we must deliver to our customers to deepen our SUBARU-ness, not influenced by changes in the times or external environment, and further enhance our brand.
Our vision is “delivering happiness to all.” We established this vision when we changed our company name to SUBARU CORPORATION in 2017. This vision came to us from watching what our customers do: We learned what SUBARU should do from our customers.
Based on these, we will sustainably grow SUBARU as a global brand in the automotive and aerospace businesses and enhance its corporate value over the medium to long term.

SUBARU Global Sustainability Policy

Until recently, the SUBARU Group promoted various initiatives in line with its CSR Policy, revised in June 2009. However, to cope with changes in the social environment and in relationships with our stakeholders, we established the SUBARU Global Sustainability Policy in April 2020 as a guideline to be shared by all Group employees on a global basis.
This policy is applied to SUBARU CORPORATION and all its subsidiaries.

SUBARU Global Sustainability Policy

We, the SUBARU Group, are committed to sustainable business practices designed to promote harmony between people, society and the environment in the following ways:

  1. Through our business activities, we will contribute to the resolution of various social issues, including the protection of the global environment, and to the creation of a sustainable society.
  2. Respecting the quality and originality of our products, we will continue to provide SUBARU’s unique value using advanced technologies, and enrich the lives of all those involved with the SUBARU Group.
  3. As a good corporate citizen in the international community, we respect human rights, diverse values and individuality, and treat all stakeholders with sincerity in every interaction.
  4. We strive to maintain and advance the workplace environment so that employees can work safely in peace, and with a sense of satisfaction.
  5. We respect international rules and the laws and regulations of each country and region, as well as local culture and customs, and pursue fair and transparent corporate governance.
  6. We make use of dialogue with stakeholders to make management decisions, and disclose corporate information in a timely and proper manner.