SUBARU Group’s CSR Initiatives

In mid-term management vision “STEP,” which was developed in 2018, we at Subaru envision becoming a
company “Delivering happiness to all.” To achieve this vision, we have adopted the “Six Priority Areas for
CSR” and will promote initiatives based on the Subaru Global Sustainability Policy and to fulfill our corporate
social responsibilities, thereby providing “Enjoyment and Peace of Mind” to our customers and other
stakeholders. The Subaru Group aspires to be a truly global company with sustainable growth driven by each
and every one of its employees, and to contribute to the realization of an enjoyable, sustainable society.

SUBARU Group’s Six Priority Areas for CSR

In accordance with Subaru’s mid-term management vision “STEP,” the Subaru Group established the Six Priority Areas for CSR: People-oriented Car Culture; Resonance and Coexistence; Peace of Mind; Diversity; Environment; and Compliance.

To select the priority areas, the Subaru Group first identified 41 CSR priority topics for which social needs were high and then conducted a questionnaire among experts and investors in North America and Japan. The responses and opinions we received were used in an assessment and exploration of these areas from two perspectives: areas in which we can engage the community by leveraging our business strengths, and areas related to the demands of society. As a result, the Subaru Group selected People-oriented Car Culture, Resonance and Coexistence.

Peace of Mind, and Diversity as the four areas where Subaru could engage our communities by leveraging our business strengths, and Peace of Mind, Diversity, Environment, and Compliance as the four areas where the Subaru Group could work to meet the demands of society. Peace of Mind and Diversity appear in both categories, because Peace of Mind is an area in which society’s needs and the strengths of the Subaru Group’s business coincide, while Diversity refers not only to diversity in the community, but also to diversity in a broad sense, including in the products that the Subaru Group offers to customers.

In May 2021, Subaru announced its progress report for mid-term management vision “STEP.” Its priority areas in this vision are fundamentally unchanged. Based on the Subaru Global Sustainability Policy, Subaru will promote initiatives in the Six Priority Areas for CSR on a group-wide, global basis with the goal of becoming a company “Delivering happiness to all.”

Reflecting SUBARU Group’s Six Priority Areas for CSR in Management

SUBARU Global Sustainability Policy

Until recently, the Subaru Group promoted various initiatives in line with its CSR Policy, revised in June 2009. However, to cope with changes in the social environment and in relationships with our stakeholders, we established the “Subaru Global Sustainability Policy” in April 2020 as a guideline to be shared by all Group employees on a global basis. This Policy is applied to Subaru Corporation and all its subsidiaries.

SUBARU Global Sustainability Policy

We, the Subaru Group, are committed to sustainable business practices designed to promote harmony between people,society and the environment in the following ways:

  • 1. Through our business activities, we will contribute to the resolution of various social issues, including the protection of the global environment, and to the creation of a sustainable society.
  • 2. Respecting the quality and originality of our products, we will continue to provide Subaru’s unique value using advanced technologies, and enrich the lives of all those involved with the Subaru Group.
  • 3. As a good corporate citizen in the international community, we respect human rights, diverse values and individuality, and treat all stakeholders with sincerity in every interaction.
  • 4. We strive to maintain and advance the workplace environment so that employees can work safely in peace, and with a sense of satisfaction.
  • 5. We respect international rules and the laws and regulations of each country and region, as well as local culture and customs, and pursue fair and transparent corporate governance.
  • 6. We make use of dialogue with stakeholders to make management decisions, and disclose corporate information in a timely and proper manner.

Six Priority Areas for CSR: Visions for 2025 and Relevant SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030 are development goals for achieving a sustainable future, and the Subaru Group recognizes the importance of responding to these goals.

By clarifying visions for 2025 regarding the Group’s Six Priority Areas for CSR, Subaru will reinforce its efforts in each priority area and make positive contributions toward achieving the SDGs. Specifically, we acknowledge that the Subaru Group’s initiative to achieve a goal of zero fatal traffic accidents1 by 2030 contributes to Target 3.6 of the SDGs: “By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents.”

*1:Reducing to zero the number of fatal accidents occurring while a driver or passenger is in a Subaru vehicle and the number of fatalities among pedestrians, cyclists, and the like arising from collisions with a Subaru vehicle.